Secret texts reveal US military anguish over abandoned Americans as Pentagon makes shock admission...

Secret texts reveal US military anguish over abandoned Americans as Pentagon makes shock admission... - Nine Line Apparel

The president, speaking from Biden-land, assured America that the U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan was an "extraordinary success." 

But a series of secret texts between U.S. military commanders and private citizens attempting last-minute rescues paint a very different and disturbing picture.

The encrypted text messages and emails were provided by Michael Yon, a former Special Forces soldier and war correspondent. Yon was among those working with private networks and the military to rescue stranded Americans.

In one text exchange, an Army colonel assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division lamented, "We are f*cking abandoning American citizens” hours before the last U.S. soldiers departed Afghanistan.

Appearing on the John Solomon Reports podcast, Yon said a group of Americans abandoned at the Kabul airport, were pleading for help as military officials told them they were finished with evacuations.

"We had them out there waving their passport screaming, 'I'm American,'" Yon said, "People were turned away from the gate by our own Army," Yon said.

Yon then wrote a stinging email to an Army major whose team had tried to coordinate the rescue before abandoning it.

"You guys left American citizens at the gate of the Kabul airport," Yon wrote Tuesday to the commander. "Three empty jets paid for by volunteers were waiting for them. You and I talked on the phone. I told you where they were. Gave you their passport images. And my email and phone number. And you left them behind."

He added: "Great job saving yourselves. Probably get a lot of medals."

But Pentagon brass have other more important things on their minds. Like when and how to start partnering with our new pals, the Taliban.

Speaking on Wednesday out of both sides of their mouths, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley reiterated how awful the bad guys are, but then raised eyebrows when they admitted we might want to partner with them at some point.

That whole 20-year war business? It’s SO over.

During a press conference, Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley first said, We don’t know what the future of the Taliban is, but I can tell you from personal experience that this is a ruthless group from the past, and whether or not they change remains to be seen. And as far as our dealings with them at that airfield or in the past year or so, in war, you do what you must in order to reduce risk to mission and force, not what you necessarily want to do.”

Then a reporter pressed him, “Any possibility of coordination against ISIS-K?”

Milley paused for a moment, and then admitted, “It’s possible.”

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also started out skeptical.

“We were working with the Taliban on a very narrow set of issues, and it was just that — to get as many people out as we possibly could. And so I would not lead to — I would not make any leaps of logic to, you know, a broader — to broader issues.”

But then he added, “I would not want to make any predictions. I would tell you that we’re going to do everything that we can to make sure we remain focused on ISIS-K, understand that network, and at — and at the time of our choosing in the future, hold them accountable for what they’ve done.”

Ohh. Well ok.

Does anyone else think it’s strange that the U.S. has just declared the war “over?” Historically, hasn’t war ended when one side admits defeat? Like, you can’t just pick up your toys and go home, and say that’s it.

Oh wait…we didn’t do that. We left all of our toys there. And a bunch of our citizens too. And then went home. Does that sound like victory to you?


  • Steven Coker

    I passed the message to Yahweh and his Angels are in route now to get the AMCITS. Dark Night Satelite is the new naming convention so when you as us for anything just start praying to the DNS.

  • Thomas SHebloski

    A complete disgrace from start to finish, Biden Admin are complicit in getting service men/women killed as well leaving citizens behind. WTF is wrong with these people who are supposedly running the government. Time to step up?

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