If a drunk driver tragically mows down a pedestrian, is it the car manufacturer’s fault?

In a move that surprises exactly no one, President Joe Biden used the fourth anniversary of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL to once again demand further attacks on the Second Amendment.
In his Monday statement, Biden called for requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers.
If that is the case, we should also eliminate immunity for manufacturers of knives or cutting instruments, blunt objects like hammers and of course, automobiles.
Which would make no sense at all.
If a drunk driver tragically mows down a pedestrian, is it the car manufacturer’s fault?
Should Ford be held liable because a nut bag drove his Escape down the middle of the Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI, killing six people and injuring dozens of others? The driver’s charges include 61 counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety with a dangerous weapon, six counts of hit and run involving death, two counts of felony bail jumping and two counts of domestic abuse.
So clearly Ford is at fault for manufacturing the car in the first place, right?
But we digress. This is about guns.
In his statement, Biden also reviewed his previous gun control efforts, including a “comprehensive plan to reduce gun crime that includes curbing the proliferation of ‘ghost’ guns, cracking down on gun dealers who willfully violate the law, issuing model extreme risk protection order legislation for states, and promoting safe firearm storage.”
And there’s another interesting part of the president’s plan. He says he asking Congress “to pass a budget that provides an additional half billion dollars for proven strategies we know reduce violent crime — accountable community policing and community violence interventions. I have also requested increased funding for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the U.S. Marshals.”
Wait…remember all that talk about “defund the police?” Oh, that was SO 2020.
Perhaps of greatest concern to law-abiding gun enthusiasts is the shift from just demonizing “assault weapons” to including handguns as well.
After the recent shooting deaths of NYPD officers Wilbert Mora and Jason Rivera, Biden referred to the Glock as a “weapon of war” and said he doesn’t see why such a firearm should be allowed to be purchased.
Biden says that a “glock with 40 rounds” is “a weapon of war”
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 3, 2022
“One of the things I was proudest of years ago, when I was in the Senate — I was able to get these weapons and the size of magazines outlawed,” Biden added. “That got changed. It got overruled. But I don’t see any rationale to why there should be such a weapon able to be purchased. It doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment rights to deny that.”
“But anyway, (the NYPD officers’) futures were cut short by a man with a stolen Glock and that 40-round magazine.”
Hm. Maybe we ought to focus a bit more on stopping criminals, or is that too simplistic?
The man who shot the police officers had a past gun charge in North Carolina, a charge for assault on a police officer in Pennsylvania and a felony narcotics charge in New York. And he was on probation at the time of the shooting, according to NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig.
But the problem was the gun, obviously.
We live in a crazy world.
Why doesn’t he practice taking guns away from criminals before law abiding citizens? Oh that’s right there are records involving legal gun owners, not many criminals on that list other than Hunter, with his lies about being a junkie.
Combat Veteran here,not only did I NOT have 40 rounds in my glock, I did not even have a glock. I had a POS Beretta. Geriatric Joe wants us disarmed because without protection you go from victor to victim. Makes for easier prey.
This Forgetful Buffoon is going to get us in a War very soon, so keep those weapons. The Weak POS has the World laughing at us.
Okay, let’s give him “his” definition of “weapon of war”. Well, it is literally a WAR out there on the street, so I have no problem with good citizens arming themselves with whatever it takes to defend themselves against the criminal element. We are the good guys. Just because some nutjob arms themselves with “his weapon of war”, we need to arm ourselves at least as well, if not better than them. The majority of the current administration is clueless about stopping crime or protecting the citizens of this great country. Our Constitution gives us the right to defend ourselves from all that would harm us, our family and even our country. All I can say is “Let’s Go Brandon” … LOL
He is absolutely the worst thing to every happen to this country. This is what happens when you vote for the pudding cup because of your unfounded hate for the other guy. Biden will be the death of America.
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